jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2011





A gun as versatile as any of the Kama Ninpoun arms with a rope at the end and adapted to finalde it an iron ring of large dimensiones.Su technique could be up or down from somewhere, asícomo immobilize the enemy with the rope and the ring, killing him with the edge or just hiriéndolo.Se says it was created by a samurai guarding a temploal unable to draw his sword, this weapon development.

The straight ninja-to

was used during the Nara period (710-760 AD.) was then used to ninja-curve, coinciding with the progressive implementation of katana.El ninja-to is mostly used with one hand, allowing a wider scope. The grip is also different. The blade measures 54 to 55 cm. The tsuba is slightly larger and thicker than conventional, but the same design to avoid attention. The Sage and Kojiri are different: the first is longer than usual and has its specific use (Sage Jutsu Nana) and the second steel is very strong echo.


Chain of varying size with weight losextremos used to immobilize, estrangulardesarmar or simply to topple person or horse if headed for the legs / feet


Small iron spikes, arranged in one fell maneraQue always looking up. when a ninja want to hurt his pursuers threw them behind him and they crossed the sandaliasechas straw retained the prosecution, also launched in the face produced wounds.

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