jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2011

hanbo , tanbo, tan sai bo


Jo JutsuEl Japanese art of stick

Throughout the history of ancient Japan have developed many weapons, always seeking supremacy in the battlefield as well as in life situations were cotidiana.Se have found a very remote iron rod known as Ishi Jo. Due to excessive weight can not be certain that they had been used as a weapon, the possibility exists that have been used as elements of a job training or farming.

As for the long cane, have not been found - according to records - articulated in the management styles of the same until the eighth century. We should also consider that fighting with a cane, stick or club has historically been one of the primary ways that humans used to resolve any dispute or defend agresiones.Los canes were a very common among Chinese Buddhist monks, they used them between support for things like long walks, pilgrimages and as weapons of defense. These monks were, in part, the introducers of this weapon on Japan. It was taken by the monks Sohei, implementing changes based on your knowledge and needs, was also transferred either to the common people of the society of those times.

As the story progressed through long wars and conflicts, the Samurai and the elite soldiers trained in the arts that they considered more noble and honorable as being a sword, bow, horse riding, spear, among others. Being low cost and be available to individuals of low rank or social status, the staff was not well seen by the high class Samurai. Usually low-income individuals, other warrior classes or occupation, agreed to everyday items to defend themselves and control their enemies, and this circumstance was the most ingenious in the matter of creating from nada.Por other hand, certain moments in history, any kind of weapon owned by the wrong person was a matter of serious crime that could lead to death of any individual.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1536-1598) strongly suppressed any insurrection. He revived the old difference between the Samurai warrior caste, and the rest of the population, introducing restrictions on the ability to bear arms. This was called "hunting swords Hideyoshi" and issued under the rules, only the Samurai were privileged to wear two swords: a short sword (which anyone could carry) and the long sword, only allowed the Samurai and distinguished them from the rest of the population.

Muso Gonnosuke (seventeenth century), renowned samurai of Katori Shinto Ryu school, was an expert in the bo jutsu and Kashima Ryu school study. As the story goes, he went to Edo to test their martial arts and was never defeated. One day, he met the legendary Kenshi (Swordsman) Miyamoto Musashi, a true master in the art of two swords and creator of the Niten Ryu school. Both men fought to measure their skills (common events at the time) was that their weapons clashed furiously in the air, but Miyamoto executing a cross and defeated Gonnosuke. Miyamoto, who was a gentleman and amazed at the courage of Gonnosuke spared his vida.Gonnosuke, frustrated by his defeat, he retired to Mount Honma of Kyushu in southern Japan. There on the mountain top with discipline devoted to meditation and ascetic life. According to tradition, Gonnosuke received a divine message saying: "Be cognizant of the vital points with a log." Through this message designed a handgun, the harder white oak and called her "Jo". Maybe, just might have cut his bo ... then trained hard until he perfected his school and named it "Shindo Muso Ryu." Again faced Musashi, which was defeated, and as this did once spared his life. From here Shindo Muso Ryu school Jo Jutsu conviertió in a very famous and studied for many Samurai of the time, since he had left evidence that could - as thoughts and beliefs of that time - beating with a stick wood to a metal sword.

Jo methods derived from different Jutsu Ryu Ken Jutsu, Jutsu and Naginata Yari Jutsu, which provided forms the basis for a weapon that eventually became independent, and forming their own teachers, supporters and size víctimas.El a Jo depends, like the bo, the person using it. The measurement is taken about the length of the floor to the armpit, or you can make raising your arms at 45 degrees oak head and the distance is between the two hands is the size for each. We can also note that approximately the length of Jo is equal to Daito, exotic weapons larga.Unas sword of iron or wood club as they were called Kanab. They were about 5 feet, octagonal and often had blemishes on much of its length. Definitely a hit with this weapon could be devastating, especially against an enemy with armor, but its total length and weight could suggest that they were mostly used for the different intimidar.Dentro Ryu Bujinkan Dojo has, developed as weapons of staff, the Hanbo, Bo, Jo, Shikomi Zue, among others. From school Kukishinden Ryu can investigate some of these weapons and see that they were created later and systematized from a loss or accident at the military events of época.Simplificando the subject, the birth of the Bo Jutsu Kukishinden school coming off a loss using a cut and the Hanbo Naginata after being cut a Yari in the field of battle. With regard to Ryu Jo Jutsu Kukishinden not found any reference to his birth might think that the supplement provided by this weapon with an intermediate distance between Bo and Hanbo has attracted masters of the time to incorporate it as an instrument most of their training.

Paradoxically, the losses were moments of creation and inspiration by teachers warriors of those times.

VISIT THE MOVIES OF Takamatsu demonstrate the use of BO

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