jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2011



Historically, the spear was one of the weapons used by warriors of different cultures before the advent of firearms in Japan is known by the name of Yari (spear) and was, without doubt, one of most versatile and weapons used by ancient warriors in the battlefield. Although its origins date back to ancient times, its use became effective during the civil wars known as the Sengoku Jidai. In truth it was in this period that emerged most of the Ryu-Ha to be found in the Bugei Ryu-Ha Bujutsu (registration of martial arts schools in Japan) and where he developed strategies and all forms of combat.


Formerly the mounted warrior (samurai) used the bow and arrow as a main weapon and had to have an important skill to take advantage of its effectiveness. This was gradually changing with the emergence, more numerous, the Ashigaru (infantry) and attacking the mounted warrior among several and this is making it impossible to maneuver the bow and arrow at a constant speed download, so most often ended up dead. One of the most innovative was the arming of the warrior with a spear (Yari) which was effective penetration of an arrow and the versatility of movement of a stick, so this decision tipped the balance toward the mounted warrior, the mims Ashigaru time also began training in the use of Yari and end up being the main weapon as it was one of the most effective ways to stop the horses and take away the enemy. Later came the great masters of schools and Sojutsu that were perfected in use until the late Tokugawa era.

Warriors and Yari's first warrior spears were used tea mochi-yari-yari and that ranged from three to four feet to the handle (shaft), while the size of the leaves varied between 10cm. medio.Una metro and evidence of this is the tremendous mochi-yari Hanzo Hattori, which is preserved in the Sain-Ji temple in Tokyo. The mochi-yari (spear leaf long) Hattori Hanzo (Yari no Hanzo), which was his main weapon on the battlefield, had a total length of 4.38 meters which corresponded to 3.1 meters and 1.28 meters pole corresponding to sheet (which was 5 inches wide) and the total weight of the weapon was about 12 kg. With these dimensions, the yari Hanzo was one of the largest that could be seen on the battlefield.

On the other hand, the spears with large antlers or mango leaves were generally small and many of these were designed with a cross as in the case of Kato Kiyomasa spear, which is preserved in the temple in Kumamoto Hommy-Ji . Ishino Jena was a master of the long sword, Lishin Wakasanokami was a master of Ryu Shin Bokuden Sojutsu and Tsukahara (1490-1571) founded the school Kashima Shinto Ryu and Kang Yuzaemon Honma taught art and espada.Kamizumi sojutsu Nobutsuna was recognized as the number one master of the spear in Ueno Kuni.Dos no expert warriors in the use of the spear during this period were Lishin Choisai (1387-1488) who founded in Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu Matsumoto and his student Noakatsu Bizenno-Kami, general clan Kashima, who fought in 23 battles testing the art taught by his teacher and is reputed to have taken possession of more than 100 head.

Another soldier was important yari Yorinori Kensuke Yamamoto, who was one of the generals of the Takeda clan and said he trained in the art of cutting sojutsu water currents that arose, which gave name to his school Doki Ryu.

Yari types and their characteristics

The total size of yari clan depended exclusively on the needs of the general in charge, the average size of a yari was 3 ken (a ken equivalent to 1.6 meters, then changed to 1.8 meters), so the size of poles of these spears would be of 4.8 different types of yari metros.Los commonly used are:

Te-yari (between 90 cm and 1.2 m)

Nagae-yari, spear shaft long and short blade

Mochi-yari, spear and horn short longleaf

Tetsu-yari, spear of iron.

Kama-yari, spear with a crescent shaped blade on the side of the main sheet.

Jumonji yari-launches with three leaves and their different ways [fig. (B)].

-Kikuchi yari, spear in one hand edge of the blade (looks like it was somewhat embedded in the suit). This type of spear was used extensively by the Kikuchi clan (hence the name) of the region during the wars of Fig Nambokucho period (1336-1392)

Sambo-yari, spear three lengths.

Kuda-yari, spear shaft sheathed in a metal tube.

Kagi-yari, spear hook

-I Jiri yari, spear-shaped blade

Tsuki-yari, spear-shaped moon

Futamata-yari, spear with a kind of tsuka

The Bujinkan Dojo in Yari.

The yari, like many other weapons, was widely used by the ancient warrior shinobi. In many cases, the yari was improvised with a stick of bamboo with one end split and putting a sharp blade and even a bamboo leaf itself, in others it was transformed into a sanyakubo (Hanbo) when the yari was cut by a enemy weapon. Rarely yari spear was used as a ninja but did not rule out any possibility in its utilización.Se known of old chronicles and legends that Sarutobi Sasuke kamayari used to use his climbing and jumping from tree to tree. Another famous ninja Hattori Hanzo was promptly named, who had been recognized as Hanzo "the magnificent lancer" for his strength and courage in the field of batalla.Muchos of the great masters of the sword, yari recognized the effectiveness and not rule out its usefulness and became masters to-so justu (sword and spear).

Hatsumi Sensei explained in his book on jutsu so the following:

"... When the soldiers had to fight a warrior who had armor (Yoroi), helmet (kabuto), the use of yari give them an advantage over the use of the sword. It was relatively difficult to get through with a sword or the kabuto yoroi a warrior, but a yari could do this quite easily and at a considerable distance, besides having the ability to also cut. That's why the soldiers realized that the yari was 10 times more effective than a sword ... "

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