lunes, 8 de octubre de 2007

DATING SOKE Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi Bujinkan Dojo Budo Taijutsu-Ninjutsu-WORDS

Butoku "A life full of Budo" Relative to the pure-hearted warrior, also on a life ruled or marked by a commitment to Budo
Banpo fukyo "Never be surprised." "The spirit of change."
This literally translates to "not be surprised even with 10,000 changes" implies that one should not try to predict what will happen, but rather let events take their natural course, act natural, and thus avoid all problems. It means "expect the unexpected" in the sense of "walking around with a machine gun if a terrorist decided to settle accounts with you."
KAJO warakas "Having the nature of a flower and enjoy the peace"
Dr. Hatsumi often writes this to the girls. This refers mainly to learn to live in peace and enjoy the few martial arts instead of integrity.
KAJO Chikusei "Having the heart of the flowers and the spirit of bamboo"
In other words, it is natural, artistic, flexible and rectum (ie, honest).
KANNAGARA "divine nature"
This term refers to the pursuit of divine or spiritual side of everything we do daily.
Ichigo Ichi "Living for the moment"
The term originally comes from the tea ceremony, where the central idea is that the time people spend drinking tea, unique and unrepeatable, so should enjoy as much as you can while it lasts. (The kimono is worn to the ceremony does not take any more after that time). It also means a case by case, since the same situation will never happen the same way and manner twice. Dr. Hatsumi never exactly the same technique used more than once. (Doing so may become a habit and therefore a gap in his armor that could be used by the adversary).
Tenke KYOJUTSU HO "exchange the truth and falsehood". "Deception."
If you manipulate the perceptions of people about the truth and lies about true and false, then the conclusions can lead to false so that they go to their own destruction. This is much harder to fake or misleading motion.
Seishin TORITSU "mental concentration"
Many say it is the ultimate goal of martial arts, relaxation, concentration, meditation. . . While it is also important. . .
Seishin BUNRETSU "mental Dispersion"
For if the concentration leads to a stalemate is better to leave everything and expect everything to flow back naturally.
Ishin Denshin "Telepathy"
Relative to sakki
NIGERU "Discretion is the better part of valor"
Also this as a value with discretion. Better alive than dead hero coward.
KANGAENAIDE "I do not think"
Primarily concerned not to think about during practice and left to instinct.
Ishiki "consciousness or intention"
Avoid thinking consciously in your movements to avoid, so the issue of intent and interfere with your body.
DOKY "Courage, courage"
Having the strength of character to go on a road or walking down a path that has no apparent purpose or end.
NINSHIKU "Consciousness Invisible"
Referred to have or be aware of the training we do and the consequences if it is correct, we have our hands on the integrity of others and must be consistent with it.
Seishin NINNIKU "Search by abandoning"
To find the essence of Budo is to leave the suffering that comes from anger, pride and envy.

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