jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2011


Was born on November 8, 1968 Year of the Monkey under the influence of Scorpio in the city of Almeria, southern Spain.

His first brush with the East was through his mother who introduced Transcendental Meditation when I was 7 years old, later also studied Shorinji Kenpo, Full Contac and other disciplines.

At 20 he was totally impressed when he attended his first Taikai in Spain.

Then he began to question the training.
At that time, Frank began looking for a real transmitter of the teachings of Hatsumi Sensei Budo. After 5 years of attendance at courses, seminars and Taikai worldwide found that is his teacher and friend Pedro Fleitas. Had the great honor to be considered for this for Shodan and after years of study and more than a hundred courses around the world, travels to Japan to receive directly the teachings of Soke himself and take the test of Go Dan. Currently Shinan (12 Dan) Sui Gyo and his nom de guerre is Tai Ryu (Dragon Patient). It is also a 3rd Dan by the Spanish Federation of Olympic Wrestling and Associated Disciplines (FEL).

Superior National Master Level III (SDP Bujinkan) FEL.

Master Yoga, Pilates, Qi Gong and Naturopath (chiropractor, osteopath and acupuncturist) recognized by the Spanish Federation of Professionals in Naturopathy in 2339 the number of schools in this prestigious institution.
Realizing you have a large magnitude considered the Taikai, courses and seminars in its formation, its center is the highest number of national and international seminars Budo Taijutsu performed, Tai Chi and Yoga in Spain as a supplement and aid for training of their students.

Collaborating with Pedro Fleitas of major projects currently developed by the worldwide Bujinkan and work tirelessly to bring every day the Bujinkan all citizens not only in Spain but throughout the world.
His recent projects focus on translation and dissemination of very important books written in Japanese, a documentary film recording with the great shihan Pedro Fleitas of Spain, Zapatero Pedro, Miguel Sanz .. of course combined with regular classes and seminars throughout Europe .
You can visit their website: http://www.bujinkanalmeria.com/

- Also his "dojo", rated amongst the best in the world, like their classes.
Some of his phrases
· "If you want to finish something, if you want success so willing to immediately get to a result, it is better not start"
· "Is not overcome with effort, if not win easily"
April 14, 2008
Today I would read this.
- Have the heart of a child to listen. Sometimes we want to hear and understand screaming while we were deaf .- Do not expect anything and be strong as you can .- If you choke patience, learning to walk above the water .- The intent is not easy to give them more laps things are not worth much time, you do .- Do not get on tiptoe to be higher from the bottom there is also a wonderful perspective .- Accepts and respects your feelings, you say, you do ... but think it's just your truth . The infinite universe is infinite and its truths. It also accepts and respects .- To help your neighbor does not mean you need something ... anything but tell friend .- The action taken is worth the time spent talking about it .- The flowers adorn a house but killed a garden .- Less is more.
Tomorrow I'll tell you: a big hug Master
Frank J. Tortosa

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