sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2011


Taikai Portugal-suffering at the hands of Pedro Fleitas


Shidoshi 9 º DAN - "the intent is paramount"

From the cradle practice Bujinkan, demanding teacher as few and attentive to detail. Her classes are very complete, organized and full of techniques that combine taijutsu and weapons.
one phrase: "DO NOT technique, developed CONCEPTS"
Some of his teachings:
-Respect the teacher and prize
-Shut up and listen when the teacher speaks

INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM http://imasp.wordpress.com/

August 13, 2010

Myogi mysterious techniques refers to that which can not be described or captured on paper, the subtle, excellence ... Thus began training on Friday night with Master Pedro in Unryu dojo, but it was a more training, each training is unique. Peter moved in a very natural movements that went unnoticed until the moment of impact, Koto Ryu ... The ukes were attacked and completely wrapped in his own attack being completely blinded.

Despite having over a week sick their movement and energy were different, Hoko no Kamae, Ten, Chi, Jin, Hachimonji ... essence ... In a moment of class Shihan Chema said the feeling, ".. sometimes make mistakes without realizing it .. "I think it is important for the peace and the ability to accept our mistakes.

The next day's class was a profound teaching ... once in seiza, two photographs in front of Master Pedro, a photograph with Hatsumi Sensei Takamatsu and the other with the ideogram Nin. As a cool breeze reminded both pictures the importance of teaching Takamatsu not to cut the loop and to persevere with the heart. The lessons were developed on the basis Gyokko Ryu and development through Henka. Training invisible and incomprehensible, Master Pedro said that 5 th dan onwards had to play well ... and that's how it is taught at 15 th dan ...

I think you have to risk to find a truly honest heart.

Thank you very much Peter.

Guillermo García

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