jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2011




Calle Esmeralda, S/N Huércal de Almería (Almería)Urbanización Los Pinos





miguel y jose - Japón 2010 - Bujinkan Frank Dojo .


Jose is an excellent person and a great teacher. Her classes are dynamic and complete.
His habit is to start with a good warm up run around the dojo practicing ukemis, kaiten and many fun games that make the sacrifice enjoyment.
BuyUSA tremble when they see him holding a bo or any long gun he used to make us roll and jump through the mat.
His taijutsu is special in any situation themselves and do not mind explaining to his colleagues or students have any secret technique. His techniques are dynamic, full of life, control and direction, encouraging non-stop with the feeling that any technique is good if you get to save her life.

Currently teaches at-Nagaredojo-ALMERIA



September 29, 2010

by: José Francisco - Oni Ryu Gami -

Sometimes, live or die may be a change of direction. Perhaps this change brought you back to reality, or perhaps the opposite, did you miss even in the darkness of your mind. Take the right direction, take the road of life.

What is the right direction? When do I have to take it? At what point?

The "change" means changing sometimes not all, if not fit the circumstances. It is essential to have that willingness to change whenever necessary. We understand "Change", in this case as "Adaptation". I adapt and change, in short, I adapt and produce a change in the way you look, feel or do something. It can be something concrete, or a more general circumstances.

Usually small things that together, they trigger changes importantes.miguel and jose - Japan 2010 - Bujinkan Dojo Frank

It can be sometimes difficult to determine a good direction to take, and not fall into the trap of misunderstanding.

I am convinced that one kokoro "healthy" may be able to find the answer. If there is doubt, your teacher is always there.

Over time many changes occur, we must consider them part of life itself. Nature is constantly changing and adapting with amazing ease. Sometimes it is not pleasant, but necessary for the proper balance of all its elements.

Make your life more "Shizen" and the changes are a part of your life.

If someone around you changes unexpectedly, do not be too surprised, perhaps needed to be produced. We are accustomed to the changes are progressive, this is more accessible to the intellect of others, but if they occur spontaneously, the impact is more noticeable and probably more difficult to assimilate. You may already are occurring, you may not realize. Keep an open mind and understand.

Nothing in life stays the same forever. Nace, changes, dies, depending on who, born again, and again change to die. The cycle may or may not close, depends on one's spiritual beliefs.

Anyway, we are part of that cycle. You can not get away from it even if you want, you can not drop it .. Everything goes on, with or without you.

Remember that you are important, valid and necessary for the natural balance.

Feeling the Budo is to understand that cycle. To feel is to live. If your senses do not perceive this, nothing happens, just a matter of time. Our Soke Hatsumi Sensei said recently in Ayase, Japan in one of his classes, "Try to feel your hands, through them you can see the intention of your opponent and know you'll do."

Concept may feel difficult, or maybe not so much? Have you ever heard inside?:

Have you ever put your hand on your wife's belly before giving birth?, Did you feel life?

Have you ever put your hand in front of your child, friend ... when he was sick? Did you feel something more than a few degrees of heat?

Perhaps you gave someone a pat on the back giving mood? Did you feel your concern?

Did you see the joy contained, when you felt his body shudder through your hands?

How about that handshake transmitted?

How did you feel in that hug?

I do not think it takes place more examples.

If we live in a world of sensations, pleasant and nice, why not take advantage.

The senses are there, some may sleep in silence, waiting to sprout. Let go and live your life really. We are not just body or physical matter, our essence is within ourselves. Do not hide it too, makes no sense, share it with others. A Okuda is a good time for it.

My trip to Japan in July 2010 was different again. Change combined with the sensations experienced. It is true that everything is physically more or less the same, but changes are taking place gradually in oneself, one can not be exactly the same every year, we have experienced more things and more experience, that you will make you change some habits or creates new ones.

So your experience of change is evident.

A clear example can you see if you observe the pictures of previous years, there is a physical change in my BuyUSA and myself, this difference inevitably extends to your spiritual facet.

Analyzing the sensations experienced, observed as a result of my vision I do not make the mistake of viewing sites with total determination to be known, but so are many, if not, almost as if for the first time if you act this way, it can make you see things you did not see at other times. With so your sense of place is growing enormously. Without realizing it has changed, though it is the same thing and still in the same place, do not see it as before, now has a small connotation that makes you perceive it differently.

All this experience is subsequently reflected in your training in the dojo, in relation to your Buyu ... in your life.

Make the living, because it depends on your development as a person.

A good person is good martial artist, a good artist in a good warrior, a good warrior is a good person who lives for peace.

I wish you to be good warriors. Be happy.

I look back and see years of practice, courses, training, ... I look forward and seems even longer way.
Seeking the middle of the scale and see the present, which is where I am, and the important final.
My present the result of my past and starting point of a future not yet exist.

And suddenly comes Judan, what a surprise!
The nerves emerge, the sweat flows, the tears are present.
The short-lived internal struggle to control emotions arise is almost transparent. The "ki" which flows altered, directed my steps to meet, the hands tremble slightly and breathing choppy. The big hug attenuates the situation.
It's almost like spending another Sakki Test.
With the simplicity and depth of a Haiku, it takes time.
Unforgettable sensation.

It is a step closer to somewhere. What feelings come over, what will fill our hearts more concepts.
Once past the time and day, my inner peace becomes even more present. The training continues.

Such are the emotions as they come, they go, but the feeling here is almost palpable.

I wish the best for both those who believe and those who do not. Believing in someone is to trust that person and therefore be honest with him and with himself.

Kankaku: feeling, sincerity. Can not be honest with others and not be himself, is totally incompatible. It is a delusion.

Enjoy life and be glad for the good of others, if not, will never be a good person, a good budoka and a good warrior.
I end by thanking my teacher, Frank, the confidence in me, as well as the shihan who supported me at the time.

I can not forget my BuyUSA for your kind patience and my students, who accompanied me unconditionally every day in training. They have given me the opportunity to progress gradually in this long journey that still continues, and expand within a budo.

"Cold morning
Tobu Noda. "

.... Domo Arigato

José F º

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